Q- "Why does my candle look bumpy on the surface after burning?"

Bumpy tops are extremely common in natural candles after burning. It is a sign that your candle is made with 100% natural wax without additives, hardeners or paraffins. It does affect the performance of your candle and is completely normal to see!

Q- "Why is my candle releasing black soot?"

The most common reason for black soot release from your candle is an untrimmed wick. This is an important step to clearing off burnt pieces of the wick to control the flame and reduce soot release. Simply snuff the flame, wait for it to cool, use a tissue paper or scissors to trim the wick clean before relighting again.
*Please be sure to use caution as we do not wish for you to burn your fingers!*

Q- "Why isn't my wood-wick candle staying lit?"

Try trimming your wood wick first to get rid of excess black debris and then relight your candle. If it doesn't stay lit, take a tissue paper and soak up some of the melted wax so that your flame grows stronger. These two tips usually solve the issue!